Is Grappa, Grapple Kosher?

Grappa is not Kosher  
As it heard, it is mix of grapes and apples. Any grape juice turn to be “nesech” if not made by jew. Therefore it is not kosher.

How Is A Grāpple® Brand Apple Made?

Grāpple® brand apples begin either as Washington Extra Fancy Gala or Fuji Apples, depending upon the season. These “premium apples” are the ones that take on the grape flavour best. This Patented Process is complex and the ingredient mix primarily includes concentrated grape flavour and pure water. All ingredients are USDA and FDA approved and the process has been licensed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

From the above paragraph, one is alerted to the presence of grape flavour in Grāpple®. Upon further inquiry, COR office has determined that Grāpple® uses real grape in the flavour mix and that the product is indeed NOT KOSHER. Read more >>

Gelatin by Glatech

OU certificate 
Glatech Productions was founded to develop a high quality Real kosher gelatin, which can be used for the rapidly growing Kosher industry. As the need for Real Kosher gelatin increased, Glatech Productions began mass producing in the U.K. a high quality Kosher gelatin sourced exclusively from hides sourced in the USA and are now producing in Mexico on an ongoing basis. There have been many gelatin companies over the years, which claimed to produce Kosher gelatin. However, since those gelatins are obtained from non kosher hides or bones they have not been accepted by any major Kosher-certifying agency in the U.S.A., Canada or most of the world. Read more:

What makes Kolatin Gelatin Kosher?

Are Galaxy Truffle Kosher? By which certification?

This is what I found on their website [open]:

Are your products kosher? By which certification?
Our products are Kosher-Dairy certified by KSA (Kosher Supervision of America). KSA is recognized and accepted by rabbinical associations throughout the world. It is the largest Orthodox certification agency in the western United States. For more information, please visit

Specifically, the above is the label of Galaxy Truffle. Click to see it in full >>

Who is Eliezer Roitblat?

Do you mean
Shenyitza Rebbe? 

Rabbi Eliezer Paltiel Roitblatt was born in Poland. He was an einikel of many great Rebbes i.e. Kozieniec, Zlotchowa ,Prshischa. He was formerly Rabbi of Bogota Columbia. In his later years he opened a BHMD in Boro Park on 51st Street between 9th and 10th Avenues. His SIL Rabbi Meir Weissblum took over [read more]

Are you looking for
Eliezer Rotblat Physical Therapy NYC?

None of the above?
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Do Denture, Sea-Bon cleaning tablets need to be Kosher for Passover?

The ingredients in denture cleaners would appear to be chemicals that would make the tablets kosher for passover. Apparently, kitniyos or chametz are not used.


Dilute sodium hypochlorite (i.e. a mild bleach) is the main constituent of several brands of denture cleanser. Other ingredients include such chemicals as:

  • sodium bicarbonate – or baking soda, which alkalizes the water, cleaning the dentures.
  • citric acid – removes stains.
  • sodium perborate
  • sodium polyphosphate
  • potassium monopersulfate – cleaning and bleaching agent
  • EDTA

Read More (include Helchatic discussion)

Does Caseinate, Milk Protein need Kosher Certificate?

Sodium Caseinate is a milk protein!
I would treat it at least as DE ( dairy equipment ) if not Dairy. This is up to your Rabbi to decide.

Related Milk Questions


Is ALLWHEY Chocolate Kosher?

ALLWHEY Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry have been authorized by the Union of Orthodox as they are manufactured under the supervision of Kashruth Division of the Orthodox Union OU (Dairy) and are considered kosher dairy.

Kosher vs. Halal?

Kosher is a Hebrew word that means proper or fit and Halal (Arabic: حلالا) is an Arabic word that means permissible. However, kosher and halal are two different entities that have a difference in their meaning and spirit.

Kosher and halal are mainly associated with the food of Muslims and Jewish people. Though kosher and halal are food laws, it also has great significance in other rituals that they both follow in their life. Kosher and halal have their roots in their respective scriptures, Kosher is identified in the Holy Bible and Torah and Halal is mentioned in the Quran.

First of all, let us see the difference in the slaughtering of animals in kosher and halal. Though the slaughtering is the same, Jews, who follow kosher, do not pronounce the name of God on each animal they slaughter. They think that it is wasteful to utter the name of god out of context. They only perform prayers on the first and last animal that they slaughter. Muslims who follow halal rituals always pronounce the name of God on each animal that is slaughtered.

According to halal, any adult sane Muslim can perform the slaughtering of animals. But kosher only allows one kind of Rabbi, called the Shochet, to slaughter animals. The Shochet is specially trained for slaughtering and no other Jew can perform this task. In this picture, a rabbi checks the Shochet knife.

Muslims consider the entire cattle or sheep as Halal if they are duly slaughtered. Jews, on the other hand, consider the forequarter of cattle or sheep as Kosher and the hindquarter are considered non-Kosher.

While Islam law considers the meat of rabbit, wild hens, shellfish, duck and goose as halal, it is not considered fit to eat according to kosher laws.

Muslims look out for a source of enzymes before having them. If it comes from a non-Halal animal, it is prohibited for a Muslim. But kosher has no difference as per enzymes are considered. The Jews consider all Enzymes, even from non-Kosher animals, as Kosher.

According to halal law, all intoxicating alcohols, wines, liquors, and drugs are prohibited. Whereas kosher law allows all wines.

While in kosher foods, dairy and meat cannot be mixed and it is entirely prohibited, Halal permits the mixing of the two.

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