Kosher Kitchen Design

A kosher home is an important element in the foundation of Jewish life. Jewish dietary laws, a kosher kitchen is designed to separate items used for preparation and serving of meat and dairy meals. Ideally, cookware, utensils, bowls, and dishes would be stored in separate drawers and cabinets. In order to receive the best design, look for help and advice from a Kitchen Designer who specializes in kosher kitchens.
If space and money were not an issue, you might look at a symmetrically designed kitchen with two separate but equal halves for storage and preparation. Because space and money usually are a concern, you will want to create the most functional space that provides the elements to follow your personal level of dietary observance. Organization and storage follow personal preference. You may prefer to locate your dairy items (as a group) separately from your meat items or mix and match by work centres, i.e. meat utensils on one side of the cook top and dairy on the other. The mix and match option usually provides a more efficient use of your time–which is also very desirable.

Depending upon your level of observance, you may wish to have two separate sinks, two disposals, two dishwashers, and two ovens. Stainless steel can be koshered (to make kosher) to allow for separate use of dairy and meat items. Therefore, you could use a single stainless steel sink and dishwasher. However, since this option would require the item to be koshered in between crossover usage you might want to consider your time and effort vs. the cost and space requirements of the second item.

The biggest challenge in designing a kosher kitchen is to create a kitchen that doesn’t look like a complete appliance lineup. You can do anything aesthetically that you like. But to uphold Orthodox Jewish traditions you need separate preparation, cooking, and cleanup areas for dairy products, for meats, and for any dairy, which includes all other foods, such as vegetables, fruits, eggs, and fish.

Some kosher kitchens includes two sinks, two ovens, two microwaves, and two dishwashers.

A checklist for Kosher cooking

  1. Separate pot and dish storage with at least one for dairy
  2. Two separate sinks or double bowl
  3. Ovens – double, two singles or stove with a separate oven
  4. Cutlery and utensil drawers – double or an extra for dairy
  5. Separate pot and dish storage with at least one for dairy

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Where to Eat in New York

New York State Kosher Restaurants – The restaurants linked here are listed for informational purposes only. This does not imply an endorsement by Congregation Beth Yehuda of the kashrut of any of the establishments. Some restaurants are open on shabbat, some have supervision in name only or may have other aspects of their supervision that might bring their kashrut into question. If you are interested in visiting any of these restaurants, you must first verify that they are still open, as well as investigating the legitimacy of the hashgacha. If you have any questions regarding the kashrut supervision, please consult your local orthodox rabbi.

This page provides a list of the restaurants in New York state, sorted by region and proximity one to the next. In Manhattan they are sorted from downtown to uptown, east side to west side, and ascending street address.

Where to Design and Remodelling Kosher Kitchen

New York Italian Kitchen Design have designed, remodel & installed some of the Metro NY’s kosher kitchens. One-stop shopping with talented in-house kitchen designers & experienced installation crews. Wide variety of custom & semi-custom cabinetry, numerous countertop, flooring, appliance, light and hardware products. Brand names: Pedini, Aster, Kitchen Craft & Luxor.

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Is half Moon (Pregnant K) kosher?

It seems to have been inherited by OU. What that means for products now that only have that hechser? OU is managing the kashrus of its operations which is good. Sometimes OU keeps the original hechsher kind of as a band thing, but sometimes it differentiates slightly different kashrus standards. Basically at worst it depends on the product. An uncomplicated product would be ok for sure.

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By Rabbi Yossef Simon

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Haskama by Rabbi Shlomo E. Miller


Table of Content

  • FEVR
  • FOR WHOM MAY ONE BE Me’chalel
  • LAWS OR YOLEDES (giving birth)

Can I Operate Motorized Shades on Shabbat?

Window Blinds New York – Allow perfect flow of light through your windows, but not invading eyes. As for privacy, Judaism certainly values windows covering to prevent unwanted eyes watching the family and women. For the Jewish woman, modesty is a gift and a validation of her own ability to assess what she wants to share about herself – and when. Roman Shades New York – Roman shades can be made from many different materials, including wood or fabric. Even within the many choices there are more choices as the type of wood is varied as well. Common options include Pirouette and Provenance woven wood, but in reality anything goes. Wood is a very popular material because they create a natural look as well as providing a touch of genuine warmth.

Don’t forget that motorized Shades cannot be used on Shabbat!

The remote is “muktze“.

I’m observing Halal, can I eat Kosher or do I become Haram?

Short answer: Yes,  Muslim’s cat eat kosher in peace. Just make sure there is no alcohol in any of the ingredients.  You’re not doing anything wrong, so you will not become Haram.

Let’s understand “Halal” and “Haram”

What is “halal,” and what is the term “haram,” the opposite term, and why could Muslims “make do” with Jewish kashrut—and less—nowadays?

The halal rules are mainly related to meat, but not only. Halal related to all aspects of life and is not necessarily limited to things that concern food. With religion, as soon as something concerns food, things get the narrowest meaning and immediately points to meat.

We all know that Muslims, like Jews, must not eat pork in any form. The source of this is found in the verse (marked 173) in Sura—which is known as “al-bakhra,” or “surah al-cow”. It is clearly defined that pork should not be eaten. At the same time, the Kuran forbids eating meat from the dead or consuming blood, comparing pork to food.

Contrary to what many of us believe, the rules of halal—all that is permitted—compared to haram, all that is not permitted—do not relate only to meat matters. The definitions also relate to other things, although the background to most things is really meat. These are the rules and prohibitions:

Eating pork and its products

Eating carcasses: the reference here are to animals that were not properly slaughtered or already dead. The slaughter is performed with a knife. If the animal was killed in Mecca or utilizing any other method, the slaughter is no longer kosher.

Eating animals that were not slaughtered in the name of Allah

This is an interesting passage since it does not require that the slaughterer be a Muslim, but rather that he should believe in one God and call his name during the slaughter. Therefore, one of the interpretations of this section permits eating meat from kosher slaughter (which is also technically similar to Muslim slaughter), as opposed to eating meat that was slaughtered by a Christian who believes in the Trinity. Reading and believing in the name of an entity other than one God is the issue here.

Carnivorous animals

Eating carnivorous animals that feed on the dead, for example, predatory birds and land animals without external ears (ie, snakes, lizards, chickpeas, etc.).

Blood consumption and blood products

It is very likely that you will not see blood sausage in Saudi Arabia, but there is no obligation to extract the blood from the meat before eating. The whole Kosher matter of salting and washing, and the famous Jewish custom of burning liver does not exist in Islam, which allows them to eat their meat in good condition.

Eating other things, like seafood

Eating foods that contain all of the above-mentioned ingredients, animal gelatin, enzymes, etc. are unclear foods because of their origin. Quite similar to the Jewish rules, in the end.
In contrast to Jewish dietary laws, Muslims are permitted to consume fish and seafood of any kind, even if they die when they are removed from the water.

Where is Haram (Arabic: حَرَام‎ ) here?

Contrary to the supposition that eating “haram” is a death sentence in any case, the Kuran does allow the consumption of prohibited products if it is a real danger to life. The argument is simple and logical: if the only thing that might keep you alive is pig and you will not eat it, then you are committing suicide. Suicide is a sin that Dinu burned with hellfire. The amount you are allowed to eat is what will keep you alive—no more. Considering that a full Muslim meal is one-third of the stomach’s capacity for food and drink, and in such a situation it is forbidden to eat a full meal, it is certainly something that is supposed to keep you alive and nothing more. It is forbidden to suspend this permission under certain conditions, and in any case, it is necessary to eat with great sadness and lack of desire.

Read more

IFANCA, one of the world’s leading resources for halal information:

IFANCA: Halal Food Certification

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Renovation time? New House? – What about your Mezuzah?

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