Is Grappa, Grapple Kosher?

Grappa is not Kosher  
As it heard, it is mix of grapes and apples. Any grape juice turn to be “nesech” if not made by jew. Therefore it is not kosher.

How Is A Grāpple® Brand Apple Made?

Grāpple® brand apples begin either as Washington Extra Fancy Gala or Fuji Apples, depending upon the season. These “premium apples” are the ones that take on the grape flavour best. This Patented Process is complex and the ingredient mix primarily includes concentrated grape flavour and pure water. All ingredients are USDA and FDA approved and the process has been licensed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

From the above paragraph, one is alerted to the presence of grape flavour in Grāpple®. Upon further inquiry, COR office has determined that Grāpple® uses real grape in the flavour mix and that the product is indeed NOT KOSHER. Read more >>

Gelatin by Glatech

OU certificate 
Glatech Productions was founded to develop a high quality Real kosher gelatin, which can be used for the rapidly growing Kosher industry. As the need for Real Kosher gelatin increased, Glatech Productions began mass producing in the U.K. a high quality Kosher gelatin sourced exclusively from hides sourced in the USA and are now producing in Mexico on an ongoing basis. There have been many gelatin companies over the years, which claimed to produce Kosher gelatin. However, since those gelatins are obtained from non kosher hides or bones they have not been accepted by any major Kosher-certifying agency in the U.S.A., Canada or most of the world. Read more:

What makes Kolatin Gelatin Kosher?

Are Galaxy Truffle Kosher? By which certification?

This is what I found on their website [open]:

Are your products kosher? By which certification?
Our products are Kosher-Dairy certified by KSA (Kosher Supervision of America). KSA is recognized and accepted by rabbinical associations throughout the world. It is the largest Orthodox certification agency in the western United States. For more information, please visit

Specifically, the above is the label of Galaxy Truffle. Click to see it in full >>

Rabbi Yacov Felder

Rabbi Yacov Felder is the chairman of Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth and bais din for COR, rabbi at Shomrei Shabbos and community leader.

About Rabbi Yacov Felder – SSCM Rabbi

Rabbi Yacov Shalom Felder, Shlita, was born in Toronto, the fifth child of the late Rabbi Gedalia Felder, zt’l and Rebbetzin Henna Aidel Felder, a’h. In Toronto, Rabbi Yacov Felder attended Eitz Chaim Day School and Ner Israel Yeshiva. He then studied in Yeshivos in the United States, followed by advanced studies at the Kollel Avreichim of Toronto. Rabbi Felder received his Smicha from Rabbi Shlomo Miller, Shlita, of Kollel Avreichim of Toronto.

In 1984, Rabbi Felder married Raisy Hendler of Toronto. Rebbetzin Felder is the daughter of Rav and Mrs. Yecheskel David Hendler, a well-known and illustrious Toronto family. In 1986, Rabbi Yacov Felder was installed as Assistant Rabbi of Shomrai Shabbos Chevrah Mishnayos congregation. Following the passing of his father, Rabbi Gedalia Felder, zt’l, Rabbi Yacov Felder became the Rav of the Shul.


An Eruv usually refers to citywide or neighbourhood symbolic enclosure which allows Jews carry objects on Sabbath is if was in there private domain. There are structural limitation where an Eruv can exist such as place where 600000 people pass by.

Rabbis believe that Manhattan is “Reshut Harabim” deoraisa thus it not “eligible” for an eiruv boundaries.


“Safek deorais Lechumra” (Hebrew: ספק דאורייתא לחומרא) or
Sfeika D’Orayta L’Chumra

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Do Denture, Sea-Bon cleaning tablets need to be Kosher for Passover?

The ingredients in denture cleaners would appear to be chemicals that would make the tablets kosher for passover. Apparently, kitniyos or chametz are not used.


Dilute sodium hypochlorite (i.e. a mild bleach) is the main constituent of several brands of denture cleanser. Other ingredients include such chemicals as:

  • sodium bicarbonate – or baking soda, which alkalizes the water, cleaning the dentures.
  • citric acid – removes stains.
  • sodium perborate
  • sodium polyphosphate
  • potassium monopersulfate – cleaning and bleaching agent
  • EDTA

Read More (include Helchatic discussion)